Hi devs,
Note: This roadmap is voluntarily light to allow enough time for the developers to focus on stabilizing XS for the 12.x branch.
Leftovers from previous version (12.9):
- Finish local Extension Index (needed for FASTEN) - Thomas
- 2 days of work remaining only.
- Finish inplace editor leftover - Marius
- Show what page is being translated in inline edit mode (XWIKI-17284)
- Notifications Macro content isn’t rendering when editing in-place (XWIKI-17323)
- The view UI is not modified after saving when using the in-place editing (XWIKI-17593)
- Continue LiveData work - Marius + ClementD
- Use the LD to replace the max # of LT use cases and ensure we’re ISO with LD as a LT-replacement.
- NGI #2 (CryptPad) - Manuel + Simon
- Modularize the mentions data consumers (Manuel - XWIKI-17895)
- make the user picker extensible (Manuel - XWIKI-17913)
- Quick Actions (Manuel - ?)
- Handle mentions coming from the fediverse (Manuel - XAP-67)
- Sending mentions to the fediverse (Manuel - XAP-68) (depends on XWIKI-17895 and XWIKI-17913)
- Sending/Receiving likes (Simon - ?)
New work:
- Maven plugin for FASTEN - Thomas
- Mail ReSender improvements - Vincent
- Loading... (Provide a mail resender scheduler job)
- Loading... (Add ability to resend emails synchronously)
- All: BFD
- All: Leave some time to fix some flickers and make sure we don’t introduce new ones. Idea: keep 1 day per week for this?
Pushed back to later
- Merge the Struts 2.x migration in XS 13.0 (get rid of Struts) - Thomas
- 12.10RC1: 16 Nov 2020
- 12.10Final: 23 Nov 2020