XWiki 12.3 released

The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 12.3.
This release brings fast in-place editing for plain wiki pages and AppWithiMinutes entries. The page Information tab has been extended with more information, some of which can also be edited in-place. For extension developers there’s a new locale picker and a new UIXP to publish RequireJS modules. Application sheets can now be easily modified to add support for field-by-field in-place editing. Finally, many improvements have been added to the dedicated Solr multi-core system.

You can download it here: https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download

Make sure to review the release notes:

Thanks for your support
-The XWiki dev team


Dear XWiki users, we’d love to know what you think of this release and especially about the new inline editing mode. Please try out this release and let us know if we’re going in the right direction. Ofc, we’re just starting on inline editing and we have plenty of ideas to continue on this path, but we’d love to hear from you too.
