XWiki 12.x cycle roadmap

Eclipse is using OSGi :slight_smile:

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From my experience, XWiki upgrade complexity is mostly due to wiki page / class upgrades more than JAR upgrades, since for the latter the integrated development environments provide great assistance, and XWiki APIs are rather stable. My concern is hence not so much about having several JAR versions available than having several page versions in their own documents. I’m just questioning if others feel this could ease things or not regarding upgrades.

and this is https://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-14596

Thx, this is fantastic! The workaround helped a lot.


I am long-time user of XWiki and I am continuously looking towards better support of Markdown. XWiki is perfect candidate for modern portal holding documentation, where authors can use XWiki editing capabilities on one hand and export it with the help of Static Site Generators to a documentation webpage.

But the editing capabilities in Markdown at the moment are like using Notepad :slight_smile: I think that what is missing is not too complex - editor that supports Markdown inline preview. The support is already available in CKEditor5 - https://ckeditor.com/docs/ckeditor5/latest/features/markdown.html

If you add user mentions on top of it, then XWiki beats Confluence at once :slight_smile:

Looking forward for new release!

Hi @lgazo

I’d love that too. BTW you should like our GitHub importer GSOC project that we’re going to work on this summer: https://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/GoogleSummerOfCode/GitHubImporter and https://design.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Proposal/GitHubImporter

Not sure what you mean by Notepad. I don’t consider that have WYSIWYG edition of wiki pages with Markdown content to be liked Notepad! :slight_smile:

Try editing a MD page using the WYSIWYG editor :slight_smile:

Note: Make sure you’re using this extension (MD 1.2) and not the old ones which are deprecated/removed (MD 1.0 and 1.1): https://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Markdown%20Syntax%201.2

Hehe… I think it does already, on several aspects at least :wink: https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Compare/XWiki-vs-Confluence/

BTW if you’re a confluence user, I would love your feedback of that page to 1) verify all we say it true and 2) suggest some new items that we may have missed.

Thanks and enjoy XWiki! :slight_smile:

The GSOC projects looks really great! I look forward for the results :slight_smile:

We had Markdown Extension 8.5.3. When we used WYSIWYG it usually destroyed the source markdown (especially lists). Therefore I forced all users to prefer text editor and type MD (which is also good because once you know MD you are much faster). Now I have updated 8.6 and it seems WYSIWYG is working correctly again and I have to say it is very good.

What I would like to see is writing MD syntax directly in WYSIWYG and see the result, or at least to have syntax highlight for MD in text mode.

Otherwise XWiki is great and I like it more than CFL especially because it is open-source and can be extended. I agree with your comparison. What XWiki really misses is user mentions. CFL has of course one small benefit because it is integrated within Atlassian which is valuable when you are using those. If you can describe how XWiki can be integrated better e.g. with Jira, then more people will switch to XWiki.

haha, see https://forum.xwiki.org/t/user-mentions-integration/6805 :slight_smile:

cool :slight_smile:

Yes, this would be great (something side by side) but IMO it’s not for the WYSIWYG editor but for the wiki editor. And it’s general to any syntax, not just MD.

Good point. I’m not sure we can be better integrated with jira than confluence (since they use non public specs/apis for graphs for example, that is hard for us to use).

What do you have in mind where we could explain better the jira integration? Where would you put that info on xwiki.org? Right now we have it in the extensions and snippets but indeed for the snippets you need to search for it: https://snippets.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/JIRA%20Integration

Note that if you google for xwiki jira you get to https://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/JIRA%20Macro

EDIT: I’ve just added some links to https://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/JIRA%20Macro#HJIRAIntegration

Suggestions welcome to improve this!