XWiki 13.9 Release Candidate 1 released

The XWiki development team is proud to announce the availability of XWiki 13.9 Release Candidate 1.
This release introduces an experimental realtime Wiki editor (superseding the existing Realtime Collaborative Plain WikiText Editor contributed extension) and an experimental WYSIWYG editor (superseding the existing Visual Realtime Collaborative Editor contributed extension). They are not bundled yet in XWiki Standard but we plan to do this soon. For developers there’s a new API available, called Netflux (superseding the existing Realtime Netflux Backend contributed extension), to write realtime-enabled extensions on top of XWiki.

You can download it here: https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Download

Make sure to review the release notes:

Thanks for your support
-The XWiki dev team