XWiki 13: Flamingo Theme customized, how can I export it?

Hello everyone

I customized the Flamingo Theme via the GUI app and used also some LESS code. However, is there a way to export it? The documentation is IMHO not clear about it and it’s relation to SKIN.

Hello. To export a wiki page, see https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/UserGuide/Features/Exports

A Color Theme is a wiki page.

See 1st paragraph of https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/UserGuide/Features/Skins

Let us know if something is not clear so that the doc can be improved.


Thanks for your reply.

The Theme itself is based on Flamingo and I cloned it with a new name. Than I did some adjustments, wich are based on color, font size and some API variables that I used.

My intention is to export NOT a page, but instead export the cloned Theme i.e. so I’ve not to add every RGB color code again in another XWiki instance by hand.
Test-System adjustments and evaluation; use those adjustments on a productive system and eventually keep a file of all adjustments in GIT.

I guess that by “clone” you meant “copy”? Basically you copied a given color theme page into a new page, right? Why don’t you export the new color theme page?


The Theme “Flamingo” is editable via the administration interface …so that the whole Xwiki instance has a new look.

XWiki ==> Global Administration ==> (Iceberg)Manage color themes ==> Create New Theme (TestTheme)

XWiki ==> Global Administration ==> (TestTheme) Customize ==> Here change various RGB codes and add LESS Code under the advanced menu.

How do I export the work performed under Step-2? I.e. “TestTheme” becomes a new file/theme to import it in other XWiki instances/setups?

You navigate to your theme page (see https://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Flamingo%20Theme%20Application#HHowtoseeallexistingthemes) and click export, select a XAR export (see https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/UserGuide/Features/Exports) and then reimport in the other xwiki instance.

Thanks, that is what I needed.

The way to get there and later to import the XAR is IMHO not intuitive. I see enormous issues here with bigger teams who used Atlassian Confluence on a huge scale.