XWiki 2.1 syntax - what is the best way to notify songs with chords

I try to write down songs with chords. The chords should be above the right place in the song line.
G d C Fmin
text text text text text text
Proportional fonts are required for this.
You can do that with verbatim multiline blocks {{{text}}}. But the emphasis of the chords with bold is no longer possible in this case.
With XWiki 2.1 Syntax, is there an easy-to-use way to combine both, i.e. proportional font as well as bold individual characters?

And with this forum entry the effect is exactly what isn’t wished (the empty spaces between the chords are removed and the position of the chords is wrong)

Best would probably be to use a SSX, see https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/DevGuide/Tutorials/SkinExtensionsTutorial/

Otherwise you can use inline style. For example:

(% style="font-family: 'Courier New'"%)(((
G d C Fmin
text **text** text text text text

Now I’d suggest you create a wiki macro (very easy) so that it’s easy to use this.

See https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/DevGuide/Tutorials/WritingMacros/WikiMacroTutorial/

Hope it helps

Hi Thanx,
the inline style works.
I’m quite new in XWiki and therefore I’ve created a Python script to transform the songs outside XWiki for the moment.
But I will try later how to use macros in XWiki or will use SSX even I currently have not a clue what it is :slight_smile: