Xwiki Access Rights (AppWithinMinutes)

Hello, I apologize if the question has already been asked. I made an application with “AppWithinMinutes” in Xwiki. In this application I get user information (eg name, age, etc.)
My application will be 100-150 users.
Each user will enter information.

I have studied these connections:

My English is a little bad. :slight_smile:

In my application every user just want to see their own information
For example, the AA user only sees the information he enters.

I don’t want you to see the information that other users have entered.(for example, CC,DD,EE users…etc)
How do I do this?

Thanks for your help.

A common approach is to write an event listener that listens to document save, checks if the document being saved is an entry of your application and if it is then set up the access rights. See