Xwiki CentOS 8 Installation

I am trying to get Xwiki set up on CentOS 8 after hearing about Atlassian discontinuing the on-prem version of Confluence. I have my tomcat server set up and am now trying to deploy the war file. I am using the community version of xwiki.

Here is the errors that I am getting after deploying the war file. I have specified my xwiki data dir in my systemd service file. I know that I am missing some of the other components such as the jdbc files for mysql/postgresql/oracle/mssql. I am working on getting those and documenting this. Unless I absolutely need this to start the tomcat servlet? If I do it is no big deal. I just need t o know where to put them. Can someone please assist?
Attached is the copied text from the 500 http error.

tomcat-xwiki-HTTP-Status-500–Internal-Server-Error.txt (44.6 KB)


Yes, you do need this, you can check that the log error you attached is actually about that:

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver

Depending on which Database you want there is different specific instructions, you can find them all in https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/AdminGuide/Installation/InstallationWAR/#HInstallandconfigureaRelationalDatabase.

Note that there’s also some information about Tomcat configuration for XWiki on https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/AdminGuide/Installation/InstallationWAR/InstallationTomcat/.

Hope that helps.

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I will check this out, thanks!

Ok i’m getting further. I am able to deploy tomcat with ansible and almost able to do the same w/ XWiki. However I am running into an error with my ansible deploy. I am getting the following:

TASK [create the xwiki context configuration file] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "AnsibleUndefinedVariable: 'xwiki_encryption_key' is undefined"}

I don’t see in the documentation where to set that up.

I don’t use Ansible, what does this mean?

Didn’t know that there is a Ansible module for xWiki … if you created this on your own, then probably you are the only one to answer this.

Not sure if you intend to get it up and running fast that Ansible is the best approach … except you intend to deploy many xWiki instances later …

xwiki_encryption_key is a variable that needs to be defined. In the playbook I have create a encryption key? I think I saw something about this in the documentation. Similar to graylog where I generate the base64 key but don’t use it. Is this the same thing? I wish there was an easier way to install xwiki similar to confluence.

… the only encryption key’s I’m aware of in xWiki configs are the cookie encryption keys:


You can specify any type of string value with something of > 128bit