Xwiki-debug-eclipse with xwiki-platform-10.11.2


We are using xwiki-debug-eclipse to develop some extension for our XWiki instance. We recently moved from 10.6 to 10.11.2. We noticed some problems during the transition.

Some features don’t work because the Eclipse deployed xwiki-debug-eclipse project cannot serve the following files:

  • bin/skin/skins/flamingo/css/xwiki-min.css
  • bin/skin/skins/flamingo/flamingo.min.js
  • bin/skin/skins/flamingo/js/xwiki/xwiki-min.js

In the Eclipse .project, content under webapp/skins/flamingo is copied from XWIKIPLATFORM/xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-flamingo/xwiki-platform-flamingo-skin/xwiki-platform-flamingo-skin-resources/src/main/resources/flamingo. These minified files are not there, so the server is correct when reporting a 404.

The xwiki-platform folder is cloned from github, with the tag xwiki-platform-10.11.2 checked out. The project is then built and installed into a local .m2 repository.

Could you please explain what part of the deployment assembly are we missing to get these files served correctly when using the xwiki-debug-eclipse project?

Thank you!

Indeed there is no link for those generated files but you don’t really need those generated files if you do the following: in the src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/xwiki.properties set debug.minify=false. It also makes easier to debug things when web resources are not minified.

I need to update xwiki.properties.default, did not do that in quite a while…

Thank you for your quick response, this indeed solves the problem! :+1:

Just out of curiosity, I know I did not have this setting for my previous dev deployment with 10.6, because I kept the same config file. I still wonder how it worked before.

I noticed in the debug project’s target-eclipse/m2e-wtp/overlays folder I have the following subfolders:

  • xwiki-platform-index-tree-war-10.11.2.war/
  • xwiki-platform-index-tree-war-10.6.war/
  • xwiki-platform-tree-war-10.11.2.war/
  • xwiki-platform-tree-war-10.6.war/
  • xwiki-platform-web-10.6.1.war/

There is no overlay for xwiki-platform-web for 10.11.2. Is this something I may have changed by hand and forgot to update for 10.11.2.?

Thank you,

It’s probably because I removed the WAR dependency from the pom (I think it used to be a hack to get the GWT WYSIWYG working but it was not very clean and was slowing down the deployment). Since I have been using debug.minify=false for a long time I did not noticed this other need.

Ok, thank you for the explanation! :slight_smile:

Actually I did set minify to false in xwiki.properties.default by default but I guess you kept your previous configuration which I can understand :slight_smile:

I refreshed a few files.