Hello dear Xwiki team,
i have noticed a very strange thing in my wiki when i want to add new FAQ in my wiki in Edge(!) browser.
The problem is i can not edit the FAQ (ONLY, for other pages it works) as it is impossible work with edit WYSIWYG window. When i checked the code i found out the edit window is in css has “hidden” property (see pic). When i take the hook away (pic 2) i can see and edit FAQ entry.
In Google Chrome and Firefox this is ok and i and my team can edit this. Can you explain why it is so? We use Edge as standard and it is really frustrating for us when we can not edit the page.
Are there any JavaScript errors in the Console tab? If it happens only for FAQ pages then it must be something from the FAQ application that breaks the editor.
Hello, here is Console Log.
Unable to get property ‘removeClass’ of undefined or null reference
This is not expected but I don’t see where the problem could be. You should make sure you have the latest version of the CKEditor Integration extension, clear the browser cache and also try with the default CKEditor configuration. Looking at your toolbar it seems you have some custom configuration.
Hello mflorea,
I have the latest updated versions of my xwiki with latest Extensions. This problem appears ONLY in Edge Browser and ONLY with FAQ application. No custom configurations at my browser, i checked it already in different clients. Seems like HTML rendering is other for Edge.