XWiki installation with MSSQL 2019

Hi Everyone,
I am trying to deploy XWiki using MSSQL Server 2019 but I am having the following error message.

org.hibernate.tool.schema.spi.CommandAcceptanceException: Error executing DDL “create table xwiki.activitystream_events (ase_eventid varchar(48) not null, ase_requestid varchar(48), ase_stream varchar(255), ase_date datetime, ase_priority int, ase_type varchar(255), ase_application varchar(255), ase_user varchar(255), ase_wiki varchar(255), ase_space varchar(255), ase_page varchar(255), ase_hidden bit, ase_url text, ase_title text, ase_body text, ase_version varchar(30), ase_param1 text, ase_param2 text, ase_param3 text, ase_param4 text, ase_param5 text, primary key (ase_eventid))” via JDBC Statement

I already created a ticket for this, see below, but they asked me to look into this forum.

Please help me fix this issue.
Thank You

@Zaheer.Abid the simplest would be to use a supported database. See https://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/SupportStrategy/DatabaseSupportStrategy

I’m sure it can be made to work on MSSQL but the xwiki devs don’t support it and don’t know how MSSQL works. So you’ll need to do the analysis and figure out the solution yourself and provide a Pull Request for the HBM file in XWiki. We’ll gladly accept that. And possibly update to the user-contributed doc at https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/AdminGuide/Installation/InstallationWAR/InstallationMSSQL/.

@vmassol Can you please suggest to me what, in the HBM file, can be considered as a root cause? This at least will help me narrow down my analysis.

Thank You

Sorry I cannot. I don’t know MSSQL.