XWiki not editable via https

Our self-hosted XWiki (tomcat9, ubuntu) works fine as long as I access it via http.

As soon as I log in via https, I can no longer edit articles that contain any non-trivial features such as for instance:

  • tables
  • Display of Code
  • even infoboxes

basically anything that goes beyond the most simple text-formatting and requires some sort of macro.
Whenever I try to edit a page containing any of these (or create a new page with any of these), and I try to save the article i am prompted with

“An authorization error occured when performing this action. Your might have been logged out since you started to edit this page…”

Whenever I click the “Source” button in CKEdit, instead of the XWiki-syntax source of the page, I see
“The service used by the CKEditor source plugin to convert between HTML and wiki syntax.”

Hi. Maybe you have a front end in front of the Servlet container hosting XWiki, such as apache webserver or ngingx? Maybe that front end needs some configuration? Or maybe you are using Tomcat and you haven’t configured it (see https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/AdminGuide/Installation/InstallationWAR/InstallationTomcat/#HConfiguringtomcatforhttps)?

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thanks - I am using tomcat, and had configured tomcats server.xml with the following connector

<Connector port="8080" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol"
           scheme="https" secure="true"
           keystoreFile="/var/lib/xwiki/data/keystore" keystorePass="..."
           maxThreads="25" SSLEnabled="true"
           clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" />

I have not configured a Valve, as the guide says:
(only needed if using another server for HTTPS)
But afaik i am directly accessing tomcat.

could you check the url used, by opening the browser’s dev tools, when you click source?

When I click the soruce-button with dev tools open, it requests the following URL:

Request URL:


protocol and port appear to be correct.
The displayed output still is

“The service used by the CKEditor source plugin to convert between HTML and wiki syntax.”

In the meantime i had fixxed this issue:
instead of trying to do this on my own with tomcat, i started using nginx as reverse proxy, as suggested multiple times in guides.