XWiki.Notifications.Code.Macro.NotificationsMacro:36:2: WARNING - [JSC_JSDOC_ON_RETURN] after Upgrade to 12.10.5

Hello again,

after upgrading tomcat to 8.5 i’m glad to open my xwiki again. But i get the following errors if i try to update the extensions

29-Mar-2021 16:50:59.620 WARNING [http-nio-8080-exec-10 - http://xwiki01.virt.contoso.de/xwiki/bin/jsx/XWiki/Notifications/Code/Macro/NotificationsMacro?language=de&docVersion=4.1] com.google.javascript.jscomp.LoggerErrorManager.println xwiki:XWiki.Notifications.Code.Macro.NotificationsMacro:36:2: WARNING - [JSC_JSDOC_ON_RETURN] JSDoc annotations are not supported on return.
   36|   return function(macro, userId, count, displayReadStatus, blackList, useUserPreferences,
   37|       displayOwnEvents, displayMinorEvents, displaySystemEvents, displayReadEvents, wikis, spaces, pages, users, tags) {
  223|     };
  224|   };

29-Mar-2021 16:50:59.629 WARNING [http-nio-8080-exec-10 - http://xwiki01.virt.contoso.de/xwiki/bin/jsx/XWiki/Notifications/Code/Macro/NotificationsMacro?language=de&docVersion=4.1] com.google.javascript.jscomp.LoggerErrorManager.println xwiki:XWiki.Notifications.Code.Macro.NotificationsMacro:36:2: WARNING - [JSC_MISPLACED_ANNOTATION] Misplaced function annotation. This JSDoc is not attached to a function node. Are you missing parentheses?
   36|   return function(macro, userId, count, displayReadStatus, blackList, useUserPreferences,
   37|       displayOwnEvents, displayMinorEvents, displaySystemEvents, displayReadEvents, wikis, spaces, pages, users, tags) {
  223|     };
  224|   };

29-Mar-2021 16:50:59.630 WARNING [http-nio-8080-exec-10 - http://xwiki01.virt.contoso.de/xwiki/bin/jsx/XWiki/Notifications/Code/Macro/NotificationsMacro?language=de&docVersion=4.1] com.google.javascript.jscomp.LoggerErrorManager.printSummary 0 error(s), 2 warning(s)
29-Mar-2021 16:53:31.697 WARNING [http-nio-8080-exec-1 - http://xwiki01.virt.contoso.de/xwiki/bin/jsx/XWiki/Notifications/Code/Macro/NotificationsMacro?language=de&docVersion=4.1] com.google.javascript.jscomp.LoggerErrorManager.println xwiki:XWiki.Notifications.Code.Macro.NotificationsMacro:36:2: WARNING - [JSC_JSDOC_ON_RETURN] JSDoc annotations are not supported on return.
   36|   return function(macro, userId, count, displayReadStatus, blackList, useUserPreferences,
   37|       displayOwnEvents, displayMinorEvents, displaySystemEvents, displayReadEvents, wikis, spaces, pages, users, tags) {
  223|     };
  224|   };

I cut the log files here.

I set the proxy settings for the catalina server so the instance is able to access internet.

thank you in advance

I finished the installation wizard. After that less addons had to be updated. But the remaining items could not be updated. A red bar at the buttom with Server not avaiable occurs.

And in the localhost.%DATE% this line occurs
29-Mar-2021 16:50:59.758 INFO [http-nio-8080-exec-6 - http://xwiki01.virt.contoso.de/xwiki/rest/notifications/count?media=json&userId=xwiki%3AXWiki.superadmin&useUserPreferences=true&currentWiki=xwiki&async=true&_=1617029459864] org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext.log RestletServlet: [Restlet] ServerServlet: component class is null

Ok. I could solve this problem.

First of all, i deleted the wrong SOLR Directory.
Wrong Directory = /var/local/xwiki/solr
Right Directory = /var/local/xwiki/cache/solr

To solve the problem with Server not responsible i used the Web Developer Tools and see that xwiki try to connect via http for AJAX (see https://forum.xwiki.org/t/initial-save-returns-failed-to-save-the-page-reason-server-not-responding/7774/5.
To change xwiki.cfg:xwiki.url.protocol=https make no differences.
I had to follow https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/AdminGuide/Installation/InstallationWAR/InstallationTomcat/ - Configuring tomcat for https to get rid of this problem.

Do you still have the:

[JSC_JSDOC_ON_RETURN] JSDoc annotations are not supported on return.

warnings in the logs after upgrading the wiki pages? They should disappear as long as the XWiki.Notifications.Code.Macro.NotificationsMacro page has the code from version 12.10.5 (not the older version you are upgrading from).