I have a xwiki instance running in which the notifications are not working.
I got an error message saying: “unknown macro: notifications The “notifications” macro is not in the list of registered macros. Verify the spelling or contact your administrator.”
Is that a known issue?
How can I add the notifications macro to the list of registered macros?
I installed the Standard Flavour.
But I was running the compute changes function for the Notifications Macro extension and I did get some changes.
So I’m not really sure what to do white the changes.
those are just a few of the changes shown for the Notifications Macro
So it would be interesting to know how come you don’t have the Notifications Macro. What’s the history on your wiki in term of installation/upgrades or changes brought to it? Is it possible that someone removed the NotificationsMacro page at some point? Is it possible that the perm dir was touched by someone?
It’s hard to help you more with the other changes since you don’t show them in the post above
Re Notifications Macro, you could reinstall it since you seem to not have it but as I said this may be symptomatic of a larger issue, depending on what other changes you get for the Standard Flavor.