whats the newest version of postgresql that xwiki supports?
I understand that mostly depends on the support of hibernate?
The latest docker-compose file uses image: "postgres:9.5" is there a specific reason for that?
Is Postgres 9.6.10 or 10.5 supported? (11 has just been released so not gonna use that for production).
The XWiki Docs don’t mention any specific version to use.
For the record, I have a test-installation of xwiki 10.8.1 running in docker using postgres 9.6.10 and I haven’t noticed any issues. Will also give postgres 10 a try on the weekend.
"What’s interesting is that version 8 is not used yet. So we could keep staying
on 5.x for now probably. "
Maybe your users aren’t using it because your Support page doesn’t say you support it?
I suppose in your case hibernate dictates which databases you may support?
As of xwiki 10.8.1 you are using hibernate 3.6.9? I couldn’t find any site that tells which dbs are supported by that old version (2011).
A Hibernate update to 5.3.7 could be quite risky but also maybe beneficial for performance etc.