XWIKI setup using .war package on Fedora

Hi team,
I have documented the steps I followed to implement XWIKI in a Fedora Server system.
I can share the extracted pdf from my xwiki page, if someone is interested (and explains me how to attach it in this post).

Let’s close this one.

The best is to upload your article somewhere and link it from https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/AdminGuide/Installation/#HOtherInstallationMethods

If you don’t have a place where to upload it, you could add it as a draft on https://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Drafts/ so that it can be reviewed (that might take a while). The issue is that if we want to publish it on xwiki.org, it needs to be validated first to verify the content is correct as it would become “owned” by xwiki.org.


I am trying to create the document, copying from my xwiki document, and I have a lot of trouble. As start, it appears I cannot create a code section, as no authorized?
So I have decided to attach the document as PDF.
