XWiki sub-wiki creation

Hi everyone,

Installed XWiki version is Debian 14.6, and all of the extensions were upgraded to 14.6 as well. I can’t create a subwiki under my main wiki due to I haven’t install “XWiki Standard Flavor for sub-wikis” yet. The problem now is it shows the error message as shown in the snapshot below, I already installed and update all extensions to 14.6.

Did you do what is suggested in https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/AdminGuide/Installation/InstallationViaAPT/#HMemory ?

Yes, I follow exactly what the article suggested (2048mb), but it appears this error message, I am not sure what is the problem…

The first thing to do is restart and see if you still have the problem, memory issues tend to be events triggered by a specific thing, so it’s possible you never have it again.

If you keep getting it then the best to know what exactly is the cause is to enable automatic memory dump and then digg into it to find what is using all that memory.