We are trying to upgrade xwiki from version 10.6.1 to the latest stable (13.3).
We have a tomcat distribution of the wiki.
After succesfully apt-get upgrade, we restart the enviroment with systemctl restart tomcat. Unfortunately, while connecting with a browser to the login page, the application crashes while still loading the interface at 12%.
We can see some errors from catalina logs, first of all the application fails to connect to database because of a failed parsing of configuration files.
It seems the error is on the database url property (in hibernate.cfg.xml), but we didn’t change it from before the upgrade.
The database is running correctly and we can connect via cli with “mysql -u xwiki -p xwiki” and the database name, user and password are the same written in the configuration file.
We took a look at the release notes but i cannot see anything we should change. How can we merge the configuration files with the new ones?
Can you please help us upgrade the application?
All the configuration files and the log in the attachment.
hibernate.cfg.xml.txt (16.2 KB) xwiki.cfg.txt (26.5 KB) web.xml.txt (15.9 KB) xwiki.properties.txt (55.2 KB)
catalina.out.txt (2.2 MB)