Xwiki User Deletion

Last week I stood up an Xwiki instance for our company. I assigned some basic permissions, configured LDAP and llet them go hog wild. Today, all of the pages were locked out. No user could log in - not even my elevated user I created at the start. So I enabled the superadmin account and logged in successfully. However, The permissions for the main user looked off. Something changed. I tried creating a new user, and using the change content extension to assign perms to this new user. I inadvertently deleted the first user, and now everything’s sideways. Cannot execute velocity macros. I followed instructions to create a new xwiki.users object class for /xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/Admin and recreated the user. Still no love. Any ideas? I’d just like to get back to where I was at this morning!

Are you sure “Admin” is the user you deleted ?

Is Admin user set to “Active” in the object you added ? Is this user the owner of the wiki in /xwiki/edit/view/XWiki/XWikiServerXwiki?editor=object ?