XWiki's next issue tracker (aka what's next after JIRA)

Hi devs,

As you know, the jira instance on xwiki.org is at end of life and atlassian has stopped on premises jira.

Thus we need to find a solution. We put some ideas at https://design.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Proposal/JIRAAlternatives

ClementC has helped us by doing the analysis of OpenProject, as a replacement for JIRA. The info is on https://design.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Proposal/JIRAAlternatives#HOpenProject

The conclusion is that it’s pretty good on features. The only downside is the migration from JIRA (which still needs to be tested By ClementC).

Thus we need to discuss what would be the next steps. I have the following questions/ideas:

  1. Are you ok that we continue evaluating OpenProject (OP) or do you have a better idea?
  2. If we’re ok, I’d propose that we start by doing the following:
  • Ask XWiki SAS kindly if they could provide a hosted instance of openproject for us to use
  • Whenever there’s a next contrib project created, ask the leader if he/she’d be ok to try out using openproject for that project. I’m volunteering to help set up the project according to our best practices.
  • Learn from that project and define a template for XWiki.org projects
  • Wait for ClementC’s info on importing from jira to know how well or badly that works. My guess is that we’ll need to keep a readonly jira.xwiki.org web site for the foreseeable future (and write for admins), use openproject to create new issues and slowly migrate issues to it somehow (at worst, when a dev takes an issue to implement and that issue is on jira.xwiki.org, manually recreate it on OP & close it on jira).
  • Create OP projects for commons, rendering and platform and more generally for any jira project from the XWiki github org.



Sounds good as a plan, +1.

lgtm, thanks for tackling this!