[Documentation] Improve "Access Rights" page


Yet on page “Access Rights”, paragraph “Main Wiki Access Rights”, there is the following phrase:

To know more about the difference between local and global users and groups, follow this link.

But the link is missing and I didn’t manage to find any relevant page to point to :grinning: (I also looked at the page history to “restore” this link, without success). See https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/AdminGuide/Access%20Rights/#HMainWikiAccessRights

Could someone have a look? and from best to worst:

  1. find the existing page and just add the link
  2. create a new page on this particular subject and add link to it
  3. add some lines in the current page on global users and groups
  4. or remove the text “link” :zipper_mouth_face:.


Note: I don’t know what’s the best way to warn contributors about documentation (comments are disabled on theses pages).

I’ve removed the link.

This forum is good I think, thanks for reporting. The best ofc is just to edit the page and fix the problem to the best :slight_smile:


I was not sure what to do and I was expecting a more clever answer from the community than my 4th / worst proposal (= removing the “text link”) :cold_sweat:.

Ok I won’t hesitate to edit any documentation page (see also) … after all it’s a wiki :sunglasses:.

This raised a question: How do community moderates documentation changes?
For instance I have noticed a page with 9 attachments which are note used in the page (see : https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/AdminGuide/Access%20Rights/Permission%20types/). Contrary to my “prudent” behaviour which leads to this original post, there I have directly removed attachements … but does someone will check I haven’t done any mistake?

I did option 3 but if you don’t like it and think you can do better, please go ahead!

An email with diff is sent every day on the devs list. For ex: https://markmail.org/message/brzfhilbvgtkqmkv

In addition everyone can check the changes, remove spam, etc by looking at https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/News



@vmassol sorry, I did not see your changes (I though you only removed the link :space_invader:).

I have made some additional changes. I may perform other changes on documentation now that I know changes are monitored.

Thanks again for your replies here and in other (numerous) topics.