Empty XWiki and no Standard Flavor

I just recently installed XWiki 16.10.2 on a Ubuntu 24.04 server, using Jetty and MariaDB.
It all went smoothly and the distribution Wizard also came up after opening reaching the server via browser.
When it came to the Flavor part I had no options to choose from and after selecting the empty wiki, the distribution Wzard finished with no further options.

The Wiki is now (of course) empty without a Navigation Bar on the side, or any installed flavor. I installed the ewxtension Manager, which doe not give out any extensions to choose from, and when I try to install the standard flavor manually via the Import section in the administration, there are no pages listed to import:

Have I done something wrong? Or is there a way to get the distribution wizard running anew, perhaps for an Update?

You’ll probably find some info about that distribution wizard on https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Documentation/UserGuide/Features/DistributionWizard . A similar issue happened before for other users, check out this forum discussion that might help you figure out what’s happening.

Let us know if that helped you solve anything :slight_smile:
Lucas C.