How to restart the Distribution Wizard?

Upgraded to 10.7. I stopped the XWiki service before I logged in the first, because I had forgotten to leave set to 1 before I started the service the first time and the next time the DW did not appear. Since I was told not to delete the status.xml in this post, 10.3 To 10.4 Upgrade - No update to UI (Flavor) during Distribution Wizard, how do I get the DW to start?

Well, scratch that, my upgrade process failed and I’m still on 10.6.1. Still, how do force the DW to run again if we need to?

The DW will only appear if you’re logged in and logged in as admin (see

Normally you don’t have to force it, it’ll appear when it should appear :slight_smile:

how do force the DW to run again if we need to

The DW always appear if there is stuff to do. That’s unless you force it to not appear (by clicking on “Never”) in which case all you can do is remove or modify the status.xml since that’s where this information in stored.

I’ve had it not appear though in the past, for various reasons. I’d have to go back through my list and find the instances this occurred. So there is no “safe” way to force it to run again?

I guess you can edit the status.xml and change the state to force it, but you shouldn’t need to do that, unless you clicked “never”. Did you do that?

@tmortagne I think we need to document this since users can click “never” and then need to run the DW so we probably need to update the doc and explain precisely what to change in this case. WDYT about adding this to ?

I don’t think so. Most of the times it works fine, but even in 10.3 To 10.4 Upgrade - No update to UI (Flavor) during Distribution Wizard - #4 by laurin1, I did not get it until I deleted status.xml.

So there are times we might not get it or we should get it on every upgrade?

This does not appear to have been done. I’m concerned that the DW did not finish completely (Upgrade 11.5 to 11.6.1 - Navigation Menu Missing / Distribution Wizard Did Not Run). Is there not a way to verify this?

I just went ahead and started the 11.7 upgrade and the DW is running now.

Well, that worked, up to the point of Distribution Wizard - Global Administration: Message Stream?. Now, I’m in the same boat. Don’t know if DW finished. Can’t restart it.


I’m also wondering how to restart the Distribution Wizard?

Can you please confirm / clarify:

  • if admin “postponed” the upgrade to “later”: when the DW will be automaticaly launched again?
  • if admin signed off then signed in again to the wiki: the DW should normally be triggered again?

Maybe answers to these questions can be added to the official page here:

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Next restart.

The triggering of the DW has nothing to do with the user, you need to be admin to access it, but there is only one, running in the background and triggered right after XWiki initialization.

I see “Later: DW will prompt you again after XWiki is restarted” in that page (this is also explained when your mouse is over the Later button from what I remember) so that part seems covered to me and I feel the other part was also documented, but I updated to make it even more clear hopefully


@tmortagne thanks for your answers and also for the improvements made to the Documentation :+1:.

As far as I understand the DW upgrades extensions? If it’s the case maybe a workaround [1] could be to upgrade all extensions from the admin menu?

[1] because sometimes even admin can not restart XWiki server (for instance on myxwiki).

Yes, the DW is mostly a helper around Extension Manager, plus a bit of cleanup (but this part is not always required).

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