Is there an easy way to temporarily disable realtime editing?

Is there a way to easily disable the new realtime editing feature?

The reason I ask is I just started getting the " Connecting to the collaborative session. Please wait…" message whenever I edit a page.

I am the only editor of my xwiki and I don’t have the time to debug what’s wrong - probably something to do with my apache reverse proxy configuration.

I was previously getting the " Connecting to the collaborative session. Please wait…" warning, but I fixed that by adding xwiki.url.protocol=https to xwiki.cfg as a quick fix.

Any help or advice would be appreciated.

Well, that wasn’t too hard to find.

Global Administration, Editing, WYSIWYG Editor, CKEditor, Disabled Plugins, add “xwiki-realtime” and save.

(Huh. Now I want to learn what all those plugins and toolbar features are.)


(Huh. Now I want to learn what all those plugins and toolbar features are.)

Yes,… so do I.

This is related to this new extension : “Realtime WYSIWYG Editor”

The video to show what it does is nice.
Of course, if you are the only one that write on the wiki… this is not usefull.

And this forum post :
Bundle the realtime WYSIWYG editor in XWiki Standard, disabled by default

There, it is said that it is disabled by default :
Release Notes for XWiki 16.2.0-rc-1

Interesting :

I was previously getting the " Connecting to the collaborative session. Please wait…" warning, but I fixed that by adding xwiki.url.protocol=https to xwiki.cfg as a quick fix.

It seems that the communication between the two (or several) editors needs some SSL and https protocol.
This seems logical, as the extension uses :

The editor is using the Netflux API for real-time communication between the users participating in the editing session, and the ChainPad algorithm to ensure convergence between the changes made by each user.

Thanks for the info.

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And this forum post :
Bundle the realtime WYSIWYG editor in XWiki Standard, disabled by default

There, it is said that it is disabled by default :
Release Notes for XWiki 16.2.0-rc-1

At some point in the past, I enabled everything so nothing was disabled, but it’s only recently this plugin had some noticeable effect on my installation. I do a lot of silly things and changes that eventually bite me in the bottom, but makes for some interesting problem solving sessions.

As for the xwiki.url.protocol=https, my Apache reverse proxy communicates with Tomcat via http and xwiki needs a hint to make sure it rewrites it’s urls correctly, or something like that.

Thanks !
I was wondering how you ended with the option on, … as they say they default it to off…

:+1: :grinning: exploring interesting problem and solving sessions.

For the https url, may be have a look at this :

Specifically this :
See : Bug 61234
Summary: Add X-Forwarded-Proto to backend requests

And may be also look at this :
How to add X-Forwarded-for header in reverse proxy with SSL passthrough

Even though xwiki.url.protocol=https might be the most simple way…

See (if you have previously customized the CKEditor configuration you need to disable the real-time manually).

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I did not noticed this.
Thank you.