LiveTable with default filter in column

Livetables by default have filters empty. And if a column is boolean or option list, it will show all.

I searched the documentation and did several tests, but I did not discover how to set a column filter to a default parameter.

For example, if I have a boolean column for marking documents as obsolete, and thus that column by default should be NO (so obsolete documents do not appear)… is there any way to do that?

The Live Data feature is a replacement for the older Live Table feature. You should migrate to use Live Data as Live Table will be removed eventually.


With a Live Data, you can use the filter parameter.


If LiveData is the future and Live Tables will be removed eventually, why App Within Minutes has not migrated to LiveData by default?

It’s a difficult question we have to solve to finish the migration :wink:

I don’t know Live Tables so well, and it’s quite an easy thing to do with a live data, so if you can migrate I’d recommend you to migrate.

Maybe you can try a Custom xproperty in the extraParams if your obsolete is stored for each document as a property :thinking:

Thanks. I agree with the approach suggested in that post. Choose which one to implement.

One problem of LiveData right now is that if you edit the App, it erases the LiveData table, so each time you update an app you will have to create the LiveData table again

Also, one thing I like more about Live Table so far is that it has option for STRIPES for better readability

LiveData above, LiveTable below… if there is a STRIPED ROWS option for LiveData, I haven´t been able to find it on the help page.

Livetable is much more pleasing to the eyes.