Macro errors after upgrading

We have just upgraded a testing instance of XWiki from v7.0.1 to v13.10.9 and noticed some macro errors on the web user interface.

  1. Error Failed to execute the [velocity] macro, in the context of “Main / XXX”. See more details and exception trace in the attachment velocity.txt (18.7 KB) Update: resolved, see this comment.

  2. Error Failed to execute the [groovy] macro, in the context of “Main / XWiki Advanced Administration Tools / CheckXWikiConfig”. See more details and exception trace in the attachment groovy.txt (27.7 KB).

  3. Error The "notifications" macro is not in the list of registered macros in the context of “Main / XWiki / Profile of Administrator”. See more details in the attachment notifications.txt (317 Bytes) Regarding this error, I have seen this post and verified that the testing instance already has Notifications Macro 13.10.9 Installed as a dependency, but I could have missed something.

And there may be more as we proceed deeper in the testing.

I am wondering:

  • How do we resolve the issues?
  • What caused the issues, and where else do we usually need to cover in testing?

I will highly appreciate any hints or suggestions.

The error says Failed to execute the [velocity] macro. Cause: [The execution of the [velocity] script macro is not allowed in [xwiki:eServices.WebHome]. Check the rights of its last author or the parameters if it's rendered from another script.]. Click on this message for details.

Did you check the last author of xwiki:eServices.WebHome and whether that author has script rights?


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Thank you for your reply, @vmassol.

You are most probably right. And the older version did not have the concept of script rights, so I have already noticed that the existing users and groups don’t have script rights. So, I will check the details tomorrow work day.

By the way, I reorganized the text of the original post. There was some additional information for issue 3 but mistakenly appended after issue 2 previously. So, could you please take a look again?

Sorry for the inconvenience caused by my text mistake before, and thank you for your help.

This seems like a bug from the Admin Tools extension (unsupported by the XWiki dev team btw. Make sure you’re using the latest version and if that’s the case you could report a jira issue at Admin Tools Application - JIRA

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I resolved the velocity error by giving the right of “Script” to group “XWikiAllGroup” in the context of “Administer Wiki > Users & Rights > Rights”.

Comparing the new and old instances of XWiki v7.0.1 and v13.10.9, the “Script” right seems to be a new feature initialized to disable by default.

Thank you for your help, @vmassol. I am looking into the other issues following your hints now.

Thank you, @vmassol, for this one as well.

The extension was missing, so I resolved it by installing the “Admin Tools Application” in the extension manager.

I will post this issue as a separate question as it seems more complicated. And, let’s mark this question as resolved now.

Thank you for being so helpful again, @vmassol.