The github link shows 16 themes while the doc on exo says 21… And when testing in XS 15.10.x I get 21 themes. So the link to the theme is not complete.
EDIT: You’re actually missing all the non-bootswatch themes at xwiki-platform/xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-flamingo/xwiki-platform-flamingo-theme/xwiki-platform-flamingo-theme-ui/src/main/resources/FlamingoThemes at d8832778fec9f6ba8f4af438654f2d6420bd91c7 · xwiki/xwiki-platform · GitHub (there are 5).
Caty worked a lot to include all these themes in the past, to provide a choice to our users. I think it’s a good thing. Up until now they didn’t cost us much in maintenance (close to zero actually). It’s just that we’ve now started to make them WCAG compliant, and we indeed need to make them be WCAG-compliant at maximum.
This is a problem
In the WCAG work, we need to make all our pages be WCAG compliant (unless there are good reasons not to - maybe it’s not possible to be WCAG-compliant for some themes?).
This is something we discussed and we even have a strategy for it. We discussed introducing some functional tests for WCAG purposes only. Here it’s very easy to introduce a test that sets all themes one after another (and thus Axe Core will be executed on the resulting HTML).
Whether we keep 3 themes or 21, we still need to do this.
I’d have said the opposite. I don’t think many users trouble themselves with customizing themes. IMO they pick one with the colors they like the most. And it’s quite nice when you use multiwikis to have several themes with different colors.
Also, supporting some themes which are essentially the same but with only color changes is not going to be costly at all (after the initial work of choosing the proper color contrast).
Are you referring to bootswatch themes vs the other 5 original themes? (see also
So what I’m saying is that before we decide to drop them (always easy for us to decide this as devs since it simplifies our life :)), I’d like to make sure that:
- There are really themes not used by our users
- That the maintenance is really costly
If we move some themes to contrib, it’s the same as saying that we’re dropping them altogether since we’re not going to work on them (since the point is to reduce maintenance ;)), and nobody else will. So we really need to be sure they’re not useful.
So right now, I’m more -1 without having explored the 2 points above.
Note that we dropped supporting several skins because that’s too costly but we had several themes to compensate. Removing themes makes it harder for users to have easy variations in their L&F. In addition users will be tempted to edit the default themes which isn’t great as this can cause conflicts when we make changes to them.
Last, other tools like Notion offer tons of themes and reducing what we offer is not going in the right direction IMO. The only reason to do so would be our incapacity to maintain it, which is why I’m asking about the cost of maintenance, because if we can maintain them, then we should keep them IMO.