People in a group see just page content and get an error in edit mode

This is what I want to achieve:

  1. some people have full editing + admin rights
  2. some other people have full editing but no admin rights
  3. some other people more have full editing rights (but not admin rights) only on some specific pages (and their children), all the other pages are hidden / forbidden

Groups XWikiNoleggioGroup and XWikiDbcsGroup are for covering (3); let’s set aside item (2).
So here’s the groups list:

Moveover, there’s LDAP authentication and beside being all added to the XWikiAllGroup group, people member of a certain LDAP group become member of XWikiAdminGroup.

This is how I configured the global rights:

Now, I added Bob to the group XWikiNoleggioGroup and given to the group the following permissions on Suite Noleggio page:

But while this is how I (member of XWikiAdminGroup) see that page:

this is how Bob sees it:


  • the panels on the left are completely gone
    • I don’t care for Applications, but Navigation should show the single page he has access to (the page is a direct child of Home)
  • there are no icons on the menu entries
  • the whole theme seems to be unavailable

Plus, if he goes into edit mode an error appears:

Failed to execute the [include] macro. Cause: [Current user [xwiki:XWiki.<username>] doesn't have view rights on document [Document xwiki:CKEditor.SyntaxContentEditor]].

Now, I understand I can - I guess - open the pinpointed page and regulate the rights, but I guess that:

  • there may be other technical pages that could have rights issues and I’d like to set up everything right from the very beginning
  • I may have to do this for each group (and I plan to add several of these kind of groups, with a bunch of people have access to a small number of pages)

What should I do? Am I doing it right this way?

Hmmm… maybe I’m experiencing what’s described for unregistered users:

Ok, I’ll try to tackle the theme first.

We’re using the Flamingo theme with the Iceberg color.

Looks like /xwiki/bin/view/FlamingoThemes/Iceberg - I guess this is the Color Theme mentioned in the guide page linked in a previous post - can’t be managed per se, since the menu proposes to “Administer Parent”.

I see I can only manage rights for the theme page, so I changed the rights from:




And now Bob sees the colors like me - but menu icons are still invisible. I guess this is an issue.

I can’t find the page about the CKEditor… where is it? I tried looking at the page index, eeighter by tree or by search, but nothing.

More info here: Current user doesn't have view rights on document [xwiki:CKEditor.SyntaxContentEditor]