Proposal: XWiki icon theme support



XWiki standard flavor bundles two icon themes, Silk and Font Awesome 4 (FA).
The handling of the XWiki Iconset was done on a whim until recently. Adding icons to the XWiki Iconset would assume those icons had a mapping in Silk, FA, Glyphicon and Material Design.

In the past year I updated and hopefully improved a bit the documentation of icons in XWiki at .

The question of what iconThemes do we support arose in a recent forum discussion, after discussion on the live chat, we found out that we hadn’t yet made a clear decision on this.

PS: For reference sake, here’s a discussion about deprecating Silk we had last year.


We should explicitely list the icon themes we support.

I propose to support the Silk and Font Awesome 4 iconThemes.


This means that we explicitely do not support Glyphicon and Material Design. This means that we could add icons to the XWiki Iconset that do not have a good mapping to Glyphicon and Material Design.

My opinion is that we had a very loose way to handle the XWiki IconSet in the past, it worked well and we shouldn’t constrain ourselves too much by having a lot of supported iconThemes with 100% mapping. I initially tried to update the doc in order to reduce technical debt and improve the quality/consistency of our icon system, but I don’t think adding a lot of constraints on it is something we want.


Do you agree with this proposal?

Thank you for your interest in this topic!
Lucas C.

+1 to support only FA and Silk (but continue to verify that we can find mappings for the 4 icon themes mentioned).

In practice, the icon themes apps other than FA and Silk have not been authored by the XWiki core dev team, see for example:’s been contributed by Caty). Thus they are by default not supported by the XWiki core dev team already.

Yes, +1 to confirm the existing status.