Remove ResetPassword/ForgotUsername deprecated pages from XS

Hi everyone,

we refactored the reset password / forgot username features to not rely on XWiki pages a while ago, but we kept the XWiki Pages for backward compatibility reason, mainly in case people were still relying on URLs to them.

There was a discussion on this forum whether or not we should keep those pages (in Moving Reset Password / Forgot Username pages to an extension) which never really reach a conclusion, and we have an open ticket for it in Loading....

Now it’s been a full cycle since those pages are displaying a deprecation message when used, so I propose that we just remove them (XWiki.ResetPassword and XWiki.ForgotUsername) from XS in 16.0.0.

I’m opening this vote for 1 week until the 18th of january.

Here’s my +1.

+1 thanks

To be clear:

  • Do we still honor the pages if they exist?
  • What happens if we remove them and some XWiki instances use these pages? Will they get removed and all customizations lost?

Note: They’re also causing some warnings in the logs (I saw that recently but forgot the context… ;)).

not sure what you mean by “honor the pages”? Those pages shouldn’t be used anymore since a while now.

AFAIR the DW will propose to delete those pages as part of the upgrade: Admin can decide to keep them.

yes but if they exist, are they used?

“shouldn’t be used” is very different from “cannot be used”.

As indicated by @surli those pages are not used by XWiki Standard, but someone might access them directly (which is why they were kept).

+1 to remove them

The pages now only contain a message announcing that the features have been moved to another URL with a link, so they cannot really be used.

ok thanks, so users upgrading from an old XWiki version will have their custom changes to these pages broken, and they need to read the release notes to know what to do (not much I guess since it means making java changes to change anything now).

Well, yes but it’s not related to the decision in this vote here, it’s related to the changes performed in 14.x cycle to not use anymore XWiki pages for reset password / forgot username feature.

@vmassol so could you clarify your vote here?

Right now these pages are not used at all from what you say so they’re not deprecated (deprecated would mean that we don’t recommend to use them but you can still use them), and thus removing them is a no brainer and doesn’t even need a vote IMO.

However, for me the real question is whether this is good or not (and whether they should really be deprecated instead through some legacy code), and thus if we need to fix something.



so I’m closing the vote today, I’m counting 4 +1, interpreting:

as +1.