Removing option to create hidden pages from Page Information panel

Hi all!

We’re wondering if there is a way to remove the option to hide a page from the Page Information panel unless a user has admin rights and/or has the user type: Advanced?

Screenshot 2024-01-27 at 8.03.06 PM

Use case

We don’t want general users (with view/edit/delete rights) to have the option to hide a page. To my mind, even mentioning the concept of hidden pages to a general user might introduce unnecessary confusion given that most hidden pages are ‘under the hood’ / XWikiAdmin-level pages.

In the user profile preferences menu, we’ve removed the ‘display hidden pages’ preference from general users by adding a condition ($hasAdmin) so the option only displays to those with admin rights. Could we do something similar for the Page Information panel?



I see two options:

Hope this helps,

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I wonder if this this not a legit use case we would like to have by default in XS. I’ve made a proposal at Only offer the ability to hide pages to advanced users

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Thanks Marius and Vincent! The current solution and a path forward are both super helpful.