Simplify the default search suggest sources

Hi everyone,

We currently provide 7 search suggest sources by default:

  • Page title
  • Page content
  • Attachment names
  • Attachment content
  • Blog posts
  • Users
  • Wikis

I propose to reduce this list to:

  • Pages
  • Attachments
  • Users
  • Wikis

This means:

  • merging “Page titles” and “Page content”
  • merging “Attachment names” and “Attachment content”
  • removing “Blog post” (we don’t bundle the Blog Application by default)

To be clear: I’m only proposing to change the default Search Suggest configuration. There are other improvements that need to be done (e.g. allow extensions to provide search suggest sources) but that’s not in the scope of this proposal. I’d like to keep the changes to minimal in order to help simplify QuickSearch Design Improvements as well.

+1 on my side.



If I understand correctly, this means that a given search result would not be different between before and after the change, just that it would be grouped differently on the UI. Correct?

If that’s the case, the UI would be simpler and cleaner. I’m +1 on this.