Theme edit login page


I created a black theme and I need to edit the login page to change the background color and other things.

I tried to edit the theme with advanced variables in CSS but I do not affect them.
How do I change the login page?

Best regards,

The login is found in login.vm from skins/flamingo folder, on your file system.

You shouldn’t have problems skinning that form from the Theme, so make sure the changes you make are compiled, especially if they are written in LESS.


I had the same issue (XWiki 9.5.1). I got around it by applying view rights for unregistered users on the theme page.

I’m not a developer, but I’m thinking this should probably be applied by default.


@ben.megson regarding the rights, there is an open issue at Loading...
You can comment there if you think it’s important. Thanks

Thanks @evalica. Good to know.