Where is the Invitation Application getting port 80 from that it puts in the message body of the email?
The code is:
#set($guestActionsURL = $xwiki.getDocumentAsAuthor($config.get(“guestsActionsPage”)).getExternalURL())
Where is the Invitation Application getting port 80 from that it puts in the message body of the email?
The code is:
#set($guestActionsURL = $xwiki.getDocumentAsAuthor($config.get(“guestsActionsPage”)).getExternalURL())
From another post in here, I set the following in xwiki.cfg:
Seems to have resolved my issue.
Hi geoff.wild,
well that does fix the link in E-Mails… but notifications are not shown any longer… as we discuss here…
Cheers, Rüdiger