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QQ TEST page because getting error messages any time add a smiley to regular page. If no smiley on page and save page. no problem saves.
If use editor smiley icon, then select any icon like a smiley face, or clock or pumpkin and insert anywhere in the only sentence on the page, get error message:
“Failed to save the page. Reason: Server not responding”
yet if delete smiley, clock or pumpkin from the page/sentence then save the page and the page saves no problem.
Hi, smileys/emoticons work fine but you probably need to have your DB use utf8mb4 character set if you’re using MySQL or MariaDB. What DB are you using and what character set/encoding are you using?
Sorry for long delay in responding. My IT support was on holiday.
Reminder Standard 12.6.1 install on a Pi computer
Just confirming the DB: MySQL version 15.1 Maria db version 10.3.23
And utf8mb4 character set was/is installed as the default
AND, FYI I also have a xwiki SAS account and when I edit a page with any smiley icon then get the error on xwiki sas "failed to save the page. reason: server not responding error.
About this you should contact XWiki SAS (it’s not the right place here).
However to help you and since I know them, I’ve pinged them and you should receive a reply from them soon. From what I understand, your wiki there has not been upgraded to utf8mb4 yet. This explains why you have the issue on it.