Hi devs,
XWiki Standard
Outstanding from past roadmaps:
- Security issues not finished:
- Manuel:
- WCAG - Lucas + Michael reviewing the PRs/merge them
- Bug fix CKEditor - Marius (BFD with help from Manuel)
- PDF export bug fixes (BFD?) - Marius
- Notifications improvements - Simon
- UI proposals on the forum to finish - Adina
- Send forum proposals for all of the 12 topics
- Push devs to answer and conclude on each proposal
- For the agreed proposals, prepare some HTML/JS/CSS
- What’s New: Improved UI - Adina (with help from Vincent)
- Implement the HTML/JS/CSS
- UI support for news item images: Loading...
- Outstanding improvements/bugs for the security vulnerabilities in XS - Manuel
- Compiled XDOM - Thomas
- Security issues not finished:
New work:
- New Security issues - Michael
- To be taken from Loading...
- TODO: list some security issues to take here
- Realtime bugfixes - Dorian (with help from Marius)
- Navigation tree improvements - Marius
- Implement Skin improvements - Manuel
- Loading... - Gradients on buttons: Gradient on buttons - Minimalist Skin Design 1
- Loading... - Borders on buttons: Borders on buttons - Minimalist Skin Design 2
- Continue working on LiveTable to Live Data migrations? - Michael?
- TODO: To be decided when Michael is back from holidays
- Bug fix - Need to find assignee!
- New Security issues - Michael
Contrib & Others
Outstanding from previous roadmaps:
- Recommend/stabilize the URL Normalizer - Thomas
- Admin UI to enable/disable the feature
- Proposal to merge the extension in platform
- Replication - Thomas
- Attachment update replication bug
- Change Request - Simon
- Recommend/stabilize the URL Normalizer - Thomas
New work:
- Simon:
- Loading... - Page created or edited through a change request should be watched by the author
- Simon:
- All: BFDs on Thursdays
- All: Fix flickers
- All: With the time left, fix some critical/major open bugs. Take them from the critical list of open bugs
- 15.8 RC1: 18th of September 2023
- 15.8 Final: 25th of September 2023