The same page is displayed differently on different terminals

Our xwiki has a page that has been edited by user 1, and when user 2 views this page, the content has not been updated and is still old; If user 2 changes terminal computers and logs in again, he can see the correct content.
I wonder if anyone has ever encountered such a phenomenon?
user2 at client1


user2 at client2

A couple of simple ideas: have user 2 tried to force a cache update in the first terminal/browser he/she used? Is there anything between different terminals and your XWiki server caching web pages?

Thanks for your reply, user2 has cleaned her own browser’s cache, and each time she visits or locates the same page.

Sorry, I’m out of ideas: if user01 and user02 are logged in to the same XWiki instance, and user01 makes some changes in a page, I’m not able to figure out any reason why user02 won’t be able to see that changes by simply refreshing the browser at least there is some element between user02 and the XWiki server caching the contents and for some reason requires logout and login to refresh the contents.

Thank you for your positive reply, I’ve been a little busy lately and didn’t come up in time.
This phenomenon is well described. The same user logs in to different terminals and accesses the same page on the xwiki instance, and the content displayed may be different. That is, when user01 modifies the page on Computer A, user01 logs in to Computer B to view the page, which is still the same page as before. However, user02 logs in to Compter B to view, but it is a changed page.
Both computer A & B have rebooted their operating systems.

Hi! You say “may be different”. Are you currently facing such a situation? Could you share the source code user01 and user02 get on computer with the community?

Are both users getting the exact version of the document? See the History tab at the bottom.

Hi, thanks for all the help. To answer your question: Yes, we are currently facing the situation and I meant that they are different, instead of "may be different”. Looks like the two users are getting difference source code. I am uploading the two difference source codes and the first page of each URL so that you can take a closer look, let me know if additional information is needed. Please share your insights. Thanks!


UserA-source.txt (6.4 KB)

UserB-source.txt (6.0 KB)



Hi again, I am also attaching the history tab screenshots (one has less history than the other), see below. Thanks!

We just found out that after changing the language setting from “English” to “Chinese”, UserA now sees the same page content and history as UserB. It is likely that the page was last updated by someone using “Chinese”. It appears that there are missing contents when “English” and “Chinese” are mix-used. Our environment Language Configuration are MULTILINGUAL, Default: “Chinese”, “English” supported - see attached, we had the impression that this setting would work. What are the best-known method to support the usage of both languages without any issue? Please advice, Thanks!

OMG! I should have thought about translations before! I’ve not reviewed the code of your pages yet, but it is perfectly possible that you get, what you actually have!

In XWiki, it is possible to translate the title and the contents of a page. Read Internationalization for a nice entry point to that concept.

Every translation has its own history, although all share the same set objects.


After reviewing the diff.txt (9.1 KB) between the two sources you attached above, I understand now much better the situation.

You don’t want to keep two translations of a page, Chinese and English, but to work with the UI in Chinese or in English on the same contents.

It is not possible to separate UI and content translations: if you use the UI in Chinese, will edit the Chinese translation. And if you use the UI in English, you will edit the English translation. This is the way you ended with two different versions!

Read also Translation UI vs Content. More skilful people will correct me or add what they consider useful! Cheers!

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Thank you for all the information, now we have a clear understanding of the behavior. Appreciate your help!